Norms for Authors

1.  Rules for submission of articles:

The articles must be sent in electronic format, to, with a maximum extension of 32 pages DIN-A4, double spacing, in Times New Roman font, body 12, including graphics, tables, maps, notes (with the same letter, body 10 and double spacing), appendix (s) and bibliography (this is single spacing). All margins should be 3cm and all pages should be numbered. All charts, tables and maps should be numbered and accompanied by a title and a reference to the source of origin.
Notes should be placed in the footer, numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. The first page should include the title of the article, the name (s) of the author (s), the email (s) and the institution to which they are affiliated.
The article should be preceded by a summary (150-200 words) of its contents (abstract). It should be indicated four keywords that classify the subject of the article. The bibliography should be placed at the end of the text, ordered alphabetically by author and year of publication. In the case of publications in the same year, add a, b, etc., for example: (Braga, 2015a, 2015b). In the text of the article, all references should be enclosed in parentheses, according to the following examples: (Braga, 1999), (Braga, 2015, Meira, 1921). For quotations, indicate the page number (Braga, 2015: 25).


2. Examples of bibliographic citations:

Books: BRAGA, Alberto Vieira (2015). Curiosidades de Guimarães. Sociedade Martins Sarmento, Guimarães.
Collective Works: OLIVEIRA, César (org.) (1996). História dos Municípios e do Poder Local. Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa.
Chapters in Collective Works: MONTEIRO, Nuno Gonçalo (1996). O central, o local e o inexistente regional, in OLIVEIRA, César (org.) (2001). História dos Municípios e do Poder Local. Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa, 79-119.
Articles in journals: SILVA, I. (2001). A rosa-dos-ventos. Revista de cartografia, 15, 356-372.
Unpublished texts, reports, theses: FONTE, Teodoro da (2008). Respostas jurídicas e institucionais ao problema da exposição de crianças no século XIX. Comunicação apresentada ao Congresso “Alberto Sampaio, ontem e hoje”, Guimarães.
Electronic publications: OSSWALD, Helena (2012). Sistemas de parentesco no período moderno: definições religiosas e liberdades individuais em Portugal. CEM -Cultura, Espaço Memória, 3, 29-44. Acedido a 20/04/2016, em


3. Figures

All types of documents, such as photographs (black and white, JPEG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 pixels / inch), graphics, drawings or maps, will be considered. The author should indicate in the text the call of the figure with the format (Figure number Arabic numeral). All figures will be published in black and white and the colors and lines must be adapted to this configuration. Authors must clearly identify the source of all figures, and it is their responsibility to ensure the owners’ permission to publish when they are not original.


4. Abbreviations

Only internationally accepted abbreviations should be used. When you want to shorten a frequently used term in the text, the corresponding abbreviation in parentheses must accompany it the first time it appears.